LibreOffice Base SQL: JOINing Tables

Today, I will continue the discussion of SQL queries with queries that involve more than one table. The SQL in this post is based on the “TeamMembers” database. For instructions on setting up the database in LibreOffice and a short description of the database and tables, see the post at

JOIN: The Table Linking Keyword

If you need to gather data from two tables, you might think you would need to run multiple SELECT commands, but you would have a difficult time linking or JOINing the two tables together.

The JOIN keyword allows us to do just that. With it we can tell the database how the two tables are related. Continue reading

LibreOffice Base SQL: Ordering Results

Today, I will continue the discussion of SQL queries with the ordering of query results. The SQL in this post is based on the “TeamMembers” database. For instructions on setting up the database in LibreOffice and a short description of the database and tables, see the post at

The ORDER BY Clause

Getting information from the database tables is great, but often you will need to sort them, giving them more meaning or making them easier to understand. The ORDER BY clause allows you to do just that. The ORDER BY clause always goes at the end of the SELECT statement. Continue reading

LibreOffice Base SQL: Basic Queries

Today, I begin the first of several posts on creating SQL queries in LibreOffice. I will start with the basics and work my way up to the more complicated. In each case, I will use the “TeamProject” database for my example queries. See the post at to set up the database on your system.

SELECT Command Basics

The SELECT command is used to gather information about the data contained in a database. A SELECT command is also known as a query. The purpose of a query is to answer a question. Continue reading